SV Summer Fun Day Camp
For four weeks every summer, the SV Summer Fun Day Camp becomes a second home for campers and counselors alike. Grouped by age, kids from from kindergarten to fifth grade rotate through different science, reading and crafts stations with their counselors to engage in versatile activities and develop new skills.
Special programming days also include activities with educators from the Ross Park Zoo, guest authors and more. The SV Summer Fun Camp helps students retain their enthusiasm for learning after the school year ends, and gives Liberty Partnerships student counselors the confidence to head into the next school year with a newfound sense of responsibility and sociability.
And the best part? It’s a lot of fun, too!
When parents approached our Liberty Partnerships counselors about needing a summer day camp in the Conklin area, directors Tracy Parker and Sarah Masters (both Conklin natives) coordinated with BOCES Summer Youth Employment Program, the Town of Conklin, Susquehanna Valley School District and the Summer Food Program to organize a multifaceted program that truly benefits everyone in the community.
Funding from the BOCES Summer Youth Employment Program allows Liberty Partnerships students to work as paid counselors, giving many the opportunity have their first job. These student counselors undergo a week of training to learn team building skills, first aid and how to manage the Summer Food Program.
The Summer Food Program, a service through Binghamton City School District, provides breakfast and lunch to not only the campers, but also anyone in the community who’s under 18 and needs the extra help.
Here at the SV Summer Fun Day Camp, we cultivate the art of play and encourage meaningful relationships. And at the end of the day, we walk away having learned a little more about what it means to be a community.